If you are looking for details about law of attraction then you are at right place. In this article you will find a breif intoduction of this law; how it works, how to manifest your dreams with powerful techniques. And also you will have option to freed download in pdf form.

Manifest your dreams with positive focus

The law of attraction is a growing philosophy. It suggests that our thoughts and feelings are magnets that pull experiences and circumstances that resonate with them. This beautiful concept empowers us by teaching us how to think positively and so shape reality as we would like it to be. In case you want to know how you can maximize the potential of the law of attraction, this article will discuss its core principles and practical application.


Understanding The Law of Attraction

Imagine an energetic field throughout the entire universe. According to the Law of Attraction, our thoughts and emotions vibrate at distinct frequencies. As such, any experience or situation which vibrates at this frequency will be attracted by this Law.  It is like tuning a radio – you get attracted to certain station when your dial is set nearby; in life, if we concentrate on positive thoughts and good feelings then we get tuned into abundance, success, happiness.

Powering up Positivity

Emphasis lies in positive thinking as per the law of attraction. Thoughts like fear or lack thereof gives out vibrations which attract similar experiences to ours when we think about them much deeply. Conversely, being thankful for what one has got can bring more abundance into his/her life in terms of thoughts.

How To practice:

Here are some practical ways through which law of attraction can be implemented in our lives:


Close your eyes and imagine yourself accomplishing your goals vividly; feel all emotions such as success, fulfillment etc along with it while doing so constantly reinforces those connections between your desires.

Gratitude Practice:

Think about things that you appreciate about yourself. Gratitude raises ones vibrations allowing them receive better things. Have gratitude notes book or express gratitude daily basis.


You have probably heard about affirmations too – these are powerful statements aimed at reprogramming your subconscious mind. For instance, when you repeatedly affirm that “I am worthy” or “I am abundant”, it helps to replace disempowering beliefs with empowering ones.

Action is Key:

Although the Law of Attraction mainly emphasizes on the power of thought, taking inspired action is important. Take small steps towards what you want in life. This shows how serious you are and at the same time aligns your life energy with your desires.

Law of Attraction: Disbanding Popular Myths

Misconception: It’s a get-rich-quick scheme.

Clarity: The Law of Attraction isn’t only about material possessions but rather attracting what you truly desire into your life. This process lasts throughout one’s whole existence and aims at attaining a satisfying life.

Misconception: Positive thinking alone is enough.

Clarity: Manifestation happens through positive thinking but action propels it further. Direct thoughts about your goals, emotions and actions in one direction.

Misconception: The Law of Attraction ignores negativity.

Clarity: Do not let negative thoughts take over, just acknowledge them for a while and then shift back to constructive affirmations and images created by mind that aspires for more progress than ever before.

Remember this! The law of attraction is a journey and not a destination; there will be some hiccups along the way, but persistence remains key. By consistently practicing positive thinking, gratitude, and aligned action, you can use the Law of Attraction to bring forth everything you have always wanted in your own life.