hi i’m jack canfield and if you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know i’m a big proponent of the law of attraction in fact i’ve appeared in several movies that focus on it and i’ve written more than one book about it but recently a participant asked me if i ever see the law of attraction being misused now i don’t think you can misuse the law of attraction but what you can do is not do the right things to correctly use it and i actually have a lot of thoughts on this subject so i’d today i’d like to talk a bit about how the law of attraction actually works and how to make sure you’re using it effectively to get the results that you want in your life [Music] now first let’s talk about what the law of attraction is it’s a law that states what you think about focus on and feel strongly about you’re going to create more of it in your life the thing to remember about the law of attraction is that everything is energy and vibration and like energy attracts like energy happy people attract happy people depressed people attract depressed people they’re attracted to each other now one example of how powerful the law of attraction is is how i attracted an amazing beach house on the island of maui in hawaii into my life what happens is that i teach and you’ve probably heard me talk about the importance of affirming the things you want using affirmations and also using visualization and one of the things that i was doing i was doing some talks and this is how powerful the law of attraction is because i didn’t even really purposely want to have a house on the beach in hawaii i mean everyone kind of does but it wasn’t something i was focusing on but i needed to come up with an affirmation example for a workshop i was doing for a company uh and that has heard me talk about it before so i came up with one that says i am so happy and grateful to be sitting on the lanai of my beach house in maui watching the sunset go down over on apali bay just to illustrate how he would do that if i won the beach house but i was doing the seminar three or four times a day you know a couple hours in this company and i was doing that over five days and what happens is i was saying that a lot and i was getting people to visualize with me and just within like six months uh patty aubry who was one of my business partners came to me and said hey we have this house in maui we developed to sell it and we want to kind of keep it now and one of the people that was an investor doesn’t want to play anymore would you like to come in on it and you know i had the money so i said okay i’ll put it i’ll put some money in and i ended up being a kono co-owner of this house for for a number of years and i had this great great great great great um balcony overlooking the ocean off this room it was always my room when i went there and i was sitting there one day watching the sun go down i went oh my god i’ve been visualizing and affirming that and guess it works you know i mean i know it works but the point was that’s how powerful it is the problem is most of us go around thinking about what we don’t want i hope that doesn’t happen i hope that doesn’t happen i hope that doesn’t happen and you’re literally drawing that into your life because you’re thinking about it you’re focusing on it and you’re feeling strongly about it and you’re probably talking about it to other people now in the book in the movie the secret it talks about three stages of the law of attraction ask believe receive let me talk about that for a little bit asking is asking for what you want that’s simply having a preference or a desire i want a window seat at the at the restaurant i go to tonight i’d like to have a i’ll seat you know in first class in the plane i hope this person will return my phone call i want to get tickets to that play you know whatever it is when you have a desire or preference you are asking the universe god however you want to hold that for this to happen and you’re also activating your subconscious mind which will also come up with solutions of how to make it happen the second thing is to believe it’s possible there was you have to believe that you’re going to get it you act as if it’s coming you know a lot of people talk about there’s no men in this town how am i ever going to have a relationship they’re all taking all the government or taking instead of believing that the perfect guy or gal is coming into your life right now and it may go against everything that the outside world would give you as data but the fact is if you choose to believe it what happens is all the law of attraction gets set up and vibrationally you start attracting it to your life the third thing is receive that means you have to let go and open yourself to be available to receive that which is what you’re wanting which means you need to be in a vibrational relationship a vibrational match so if i want more happiness in my life i need to choose to be happy with what i have now if i want more possessions in my life i have to be appreciating the possessions i already have instead of focusing on what i don’t have because when you focus on what you don’t have you get more of not having it and so it’s a little bit the opposite of the way most of us were brought up and educated but that is how the law works now i want to emphasize too that in addition to opening yourself up by vibrating at a high level by being in appreciation and gratitude love and joy and all that you’re going to start to get inspirations to take action so action is required it’s not enough to simply think good thoughts and hope that what you want will fall into your lap you have to work for it you know you have to get clear on what you need to do if there’s obvious things you do like if you want to be a doctor you go to medical school and these actions are telling other people it’s also telling your subconscious that you are serious you’re talking to god the universe etc source energy spirit however you hold that again that you are serious about your goal and that is what will activate the higher power as well as inspire more people to get behind your mission and support you i know for me you’ve probably heard me tell the story i decided to make a hundred thousand dollars in one year and i started visualizing what a 100 000 a year lifestyle would look like i believed it was possible and i’m in the shower about 30 days later i had my first hundred thousand dollar idea just intuitively came through now what do i have to do i have to act on that idea make those phone calls write that book whatever it might be that is critical now another aspect of working with the law of attraction is you’ve got to raise your energetic vibration to the point where it is a match for whatever it is you’re seeking that’s the received part you have to be a vibrational match and that involves doing whatever it takes to create more joy more love more gratitude and appreciation in your life so here’s some things you can do think about things you love to do and make sure you do one of them every single day because that’s going to give you a joy meditation is another way to raise your vibration there are many many many many forms of meditation we have meditation cds and downloadable mpg files before whatever they’re called and basically you can download those and we have those available go to youtube type in meditation there’s literally thousands of videos that you can close your eyes and meditate along with forgiving others is really important you know lester levinson one of the great teachers of the world he was sent home to die and he did about two months they gave him the doctor said you’re not gonna live longer in two months and he said well i want to find out what his life really been about and one of the things he started doing was realizing he had a lot of resentment and so he started in his mind just forgiving people just visualizing forgiving them letting them go releasing them from any guilt or blame they might have had for his life and interestingly enough he went on to live i think for about another 20 years because he released all that negativity gratitude is another thing we recommend obviously we talk about doing your gratitude exercise every day it could be as simple as writing down 17 things you’re grateful for it could be a rampage of appreciation the other thing is exercise whenever you exercise you’re raising your energy level and your vibration deep breathing if you haven’t found mr wimhoff yet go online i think it’s wm and then second name is hofff hoff scandinavian his breathing exercise will get you into a high level of vibration and then finally sending love i just took a course recently that was supposed to get you into a state of enlightenment and one of the things we had to do was every day think of somebody that we didn’t like somebody we might have resentment toward and just send them love now another way you could potentially misuse the law of attraction is by using it as a justification to blame others for their circumstances like oh it’s the law of attraction they’ve attracted all that into your life without acknowledging that other factors are sometimes at play for example blaming people for their ongoing poverty like people living in ghettos and underdeveloped countries and not recognizing the system mech the systematic and systemic economic and racial discrimination that has made it harder for some people to achieve economic goals that seem to come easily to others so use the law of attraction for your own life and don’t be projecting that other people are losers or not succeeding because they have not correctly used it now obviously however the law of attraction can be used by those people to help them rise above their current circumstances and achieve something bigger and better with their lives if they understand and use it but we can’t hold people aware responsible if they’re not aware of something so our job is to educate people rather than blame them and put them down so how can you make sure you’re using the law of attraction to create a life you love well make sure to use visualization to get really clear on what you want and review your vision every day to keep it top of mind use affirmations to cultivate a positive mindset and remind yourself that you have what it takes to accomplish your goals and then follow the metaphorical breadcrumbs and enlist the mentorship and support of others to help you acquire the skills and the expertise you need to achieve your dreams now implement a daily mindset practice to cultivate your intuition and make better decisions in the moment you keep on moving in the right direction of your dreams and if you continue to show up as the kind of person who is capable of achieving your goals but you’re acting as if the universe will respond in kind and you’ll find it so much easier to find the people the resources and the opportunities you need to make your dreams a reality and that is the power of the law of attraction show up in the world as the person you want to be happier more generous more abundant and the world will collaborate to help you become that person now thanks for watching today and if you have a question you would like to ask me and have me answer in a future video just please post it in the comments below i want to hear from you and make sure my team and i are helping you overcome the exact challenges you’re facing so you can get better results in everything you do and if you found this video helpful please make sure you like it share it with a friend who may need it and go ahead and subscribe to this channel for more videos like this one and for some additional books and tools and videos on the law of attraction and how to use it to create the life of your dreams be sure to check out the resources page on my website at jackkinfield.com there’s a ton of great resources there including lots of free stuff so thanks again for watching and have a great day.